This management system has been installed due to the increasing popularity of New Ireland Province, PNG as a surf destination. “In an effort to promote sustainable development of the sport if surfing and surf tourism, the Nu Ailan Surfriders Aliance (NASA) manages and oversees Surf Management Plans in tour areas of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea.” The Surf Management System has been developed too:
· “Manage the number of surf tourists at any one time at the areas covered by the plans to ensure a quality surf experience for visitors and locals.
· Ensure recognition of traditional and customary rights over reef in surf areas,
· Provide for levels which support resources custodians and local clubs,
· Protect the surfing and marine environment, whilst fostering marine and tourism awareness
· Fostering community development initiatives and good relations
· Promote the explanation of surf tourism into other areas of the province, so as to spread the activity into rural areas, where involvement and benefits are more profound.”
This system introduces the use of a surf quota system and visitor fee(this type system is not exclusive to New Ireland and excludes residents). The fees have been set at AU$10 per day per surfer plus a onetime AU$50 per visiting surfer to the Surfing Association of PNG (SAPNG). The finances collect through these fees will be used in a range on initiatives including:
“the development of local surfing, acquisition of equipment and other member needs, attendance and participation in National & International competition, training programmes and club facilities, community level awareness in terms of tourism and the marine environment, community development initiatives, identification and recognition of community structures and working with the various groups forming these structures, along with other forms of support in regards to sport and personal development.”
“the development of local surfing, acquisition of equipment and other member needs, attendance and participation in National & International competition, training programmes and club facilities, community level awareness in terms of tourism and the marine environment, community development initiatives, identification and recognition of community structures and working with the various groups forming these structures, along with other forms of support in regards to sport and personal development.”
The Surf Association of Papua New Guinea’s (SAPNG) initiatives are in the interest of sustainable surfing development (surf-tourism) and will use their portion of the collected fees to manage tourism resources for the benefit of both locals and international visitors as well as reach SAPNG’s goals. These goals are as follo
To establish and maintain a code of ethics that earns the respe€ct of the surfing | |
community in Papua New Guinea and Overseas. | |
To further through surf-tourism the social and economic development at the grass | |
roots level through the affiliated surf clubs of the Surfing Association of Papua New | |
Guinea. | |
To promote conservation and improvement of coastal environments and the | |
protection of surfing resources in Papua New Guinea so that the sport of surfing | |
can be enjoyed by present and future generations. | |
To promote respect for the diverse cultures, traditions and languages of | |
Papua New Guinea in all surfers whether members of the Surfing Association of | |
Papua New Guinea Inc or guests in Papua New Guinea. | |
To promote surf-tourism in Papua New Guinea in an atmosphere of free | |
competition so that the benefits flowing from the promotion of surfing maybe | |
enjoyed by the local population in the vicinity of surfing venues and by the | |
community at large. | |
To support and influence surf-tourism in Papua New Guinea in association with | |
the Surfing Association of Papua New Guinea and relevant organisations in | |
Papua New Guinea and Overseas. | |
To promote the expansion of surf-tourism infrastructure in a manner that is | |
environmentally and culturally sensitive. | |
To support and influence the development of surf-tourism products where the | |
potential exists. | |
To encourage participation of Papua New Guinea nationals at all levels of the | |
surf-tourism industry. | |
To influence and co-operate with Government, non-Government, domestic and | |
international organisations to promote the aims and objectives of the surf-tourism | |
industry | |
Quotas (It is recommended that surfs book into these quotas in advance):
· Kavieng max. =20 surf tourists
· East Coast max. = 25 surf tourists
· Lavongai max. = 15 surf tourists
· Central New Ireland max. = 20 surf tourists
Alliance, N. A. (n.d.). Surf management. Retrieved 02 10, 2011, from Surfing Papua New Guinea New Ireland Province:
Surf area management. (2003). Retrieved 02 20, 2011, from Papua New Guinea Surf Association :